what to do during this crap

So, yeah, I'm still sad about this election thing. Mostly because W is completely undoing everything that made America a great place to live and/or vacation to. It amazes me that people believe that by banning gay marriage the world will somehow be a better place for them. Do they forget that us gays can't really marry right now anyway (at least in most states) and yet we still exist? Does the fact that we can't get married help their income or the threat of terror, or the horrible state our education system is in? Mmmmmnotsomuch.

Whatever, I'm over this place. In other news the strangest thing happened to me the other day. CG and I finally spent a romantic evening at home (after going grocery shopping and to Target and out for dinner for my grandma's birthday). We showered, lit a nice smelly candle, and then...(suspence) I realized that we hadn't had sex in so long, I practically forgot how to do it. I was scared, and it made the moment so not romantic (at least for the first half hour or so). We all know that practice makes perfect and so I am happy to say that perfection was achieved on both sides. CG told me yesterday that we needed to have sex more often (um, duh) because it put her in the greatest of moods all day yesterday. It even made her want to be nice to the people in her office that she hates. Good times! SO, I have come up with a brilliant plan. Tonight is our first night back at the gym. From now on, we bring an extra sandwich along with our lunches so that we can eat them on the way home from the gym, hop in the shower when we get home, have sex, drink tea and go to sleep. Something strikes me as being so incredibly lesbionic (word? Don't know, but I like it) about that. I think it's the tea. I have a feeling this will be the only thing to get us through the next four years (that and a lot of whiskey). SO! I counter your Bush administration, with my OWN Bush administration.

This blog was approved by the gym queen lesbians of America.

older shit || newer shit

Mimseylou signing off - 2006-06-28

haaappy (mostly) pride - 2006-06-27

I fell in love this week - 2006-06-21

ranting for no reason - 2006-06-19

Heart be still - 2006-06-15